It’s much easier to launch successful advertising campaigns if you use fail-safe psychological techniques. The team willing to share life hacks that help us attract traffic and get high profits. Today we are talking about the authority bias in affiliate marketing.
Let’s start with the facts of psychology:
The authority bias is the tendency of people to believe the opinion of an authority figure and to be influenced by that opinion.
Why does authority bias work in affiliate marketing?
This is a proven feature of human perception: we trust the recommendations of people whom we consider our authorities. That’s why promotion with bloggers and influencers is so popular and effective.
Simply put, people perceive the opinions of certain authority figures (doctors, scientists, lawyers, celebrities) as more reliable than their own opinions, even on issues that are outside their area of expertise.
The second reason for this trust is that people believe that authority figures may be more knowledgeable, wise, and powerful. Therefore, following their recommendations will lead to a favorable result.
How to Increase ROI Using the Authority bias
The authority bias works great on banners, pre-landing pages and landing pages. We constantly use images of doctors, scientists and other professionals:

These are expert recommendations, depending on the niche and offer. Remedies for prostatitis and joints are praised by doctors, dental products — by dentists, male enhancement supplements — by adult film actors, hair growth products — by actors and TV presenters, household chemicals — by plumbers, etc.
Another way to increase trust through the authority bias is the presence of certificates or other documents confirming the quality of the product. The certificate must look solid and convincing, with a seal and signature.

The effect of authority is well demonstrated in infographics and diagrams. Scientific illustrations, internal organs, “before and afters” all give the impression of reliability.

Publications in the media (or their imitation) are a good move. Therefore, banners and landing pages often look like a news release or an article in a reputable newspaper. Industry media have high authority among readers, so you can use medical magazines, brochures for car enthusiasts, digests for housewives, etc.
Instead of conclusions
The authority bias is an excellent psychological technique that is often used in advertising. You can apply it to increase trust, conversion and sales.
Feel free to contact managers for creative ideas and the best offers.
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