Telegram introduces targeted advertising. More precisely, it makes its advertising targeted. Now, with the help of Telegram Ads, you can set up advertising campaigns for specific countries/cities and user interests. Sharing information from the team.
The privacy policy of the Telegram messenger changed in July 2023. Advertisers have access to user data. Other data includes the user’s location.
At the same time, the personal account of advertisers was updated. The «Target Сountries/Locations» function has appeared. That is, now you can target a specific country and city.
The location is determined using the user’s IP address. At the same time, other geolocation data is not used to determine the location (according to official information).

Please note
Previously, the Telegram advertising account also had settings, but much simpler ones. You could choose the language of the target channels.
It is clear that this was not profitable for advertising. The same language can be used in channels from different countries, so you pay for impressions that are not at all your target audience.
The new settings prevent ads from being shown in irrelevant countries that use the same language.
So we can say that the news is good. Plus, recently, Telegram has an option to advertise on external sites. Does this mean that the messenger is gradually turning into a full-fledged social network? We’ll see and keep you posted.
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